Saturday, October 10, 2009


Why is it that when there isn't time to write the ideas rush at you. But, when you have an entire afternoon FREE, there ain't nothin' in my head to work with (that's a little Alabama talk for ya'll).

To be honest, I'm at a point in my plot where the action could go like ten different ways. And i don't know which way to go. Because the anal perfectionist side of me wants to choose the BEST way. And I know it's wrong. And I know I'm just suffocating myself; perpetuating this block.


On a bright note, I did reserve a copy of Becca Fitzpatrick's Hush, Hush today. It's getting great reviews and has a bad ass cover.


  1. I'm suffering from this same problem right now. Why, oh why, oh why? Still, I have been getting a lot of reading done, so that's something. (Hush, Hush was a fun read).

  2. Hey Natalie,
    Must be the weather or something. I'm excited about reading Hush, Hush. Get my copy on Tuesday. I did do some reading yesterday though- City of Bones. It's pretty good. And by the end of the day I did get some writing done, but it was eh.
    Hope the rest of your weekend is productive.

  3. Oh, but this is exactly why writing is so fun, right? Right?...

  4. To be honest, I'm at a point in my plot where the action could go like ten different ways. And i don't know which way to go.

    Choose the way that is absolutely the most difficult (emotionally)for your character-of-interest, perhaps?

  5. Thanks for the advice
    Can't wait to check out what that's all about (the ghost folk part)

  6. I know the feeling all too well. You can't rush it, but if you stop worrying about it for a bit... it will all come to you like that. I also find that the ideas that stick are the ones that are meant... if that makes sense. Good luck with it all. :o)
