Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I'm back! (and why I've been gone)

2012 finished off with a bang and 2013 started off with total awesome-sauce!

There was the show:

I was featured in B-Metro Magazine:

I moderated an epic Dirty Santa game:

I got engaged:

We had an engagement party:

I went skiing with some of my best friends:

We found out Sarcastically Delicious (aka fiance) has been accepted to dental school:

I get to skate a bit for NBC 13 Daytime Alabama that aired on January 8. And I may be on this afternoon as well! Stay tuned! I'm so thankful for so much that has happened this past month!


  1. Oh my goodness! What an exciting time for you! Congratulations on everything!!

    You make me want to skate again... I used to be a coach, but haven't been on the ice in years now :(

    1. Thank you! And you know it's never too late to get back on the ice ;-)

  2. Anita! Congrats on all of this! Whoo-hoo! I was checking your blog so I could link it to mine for the TNBT blog post, and saw all of this. What an amazing start to 2013 for you. BTW, you looked *stunning* at you engagement party. ((((hugs))))

    1. Thank you! I must say 2013 has had a fantastic start! *hugs* :-)
