Saturday, January 19, 2013

Celebratory Harry Potter Movie Marathon

Today is my 33rd birthday! I've read several surveys and studies that say the 33rd year of life is supposed to be one of the best. And if I must say 2013 has been pretty awesome.

I like to find new and unique ways to celebrate occasions such as birthdays. So I thought about the list of things that I've always wanted to do but never had time to (no, not a bucket list, not old enough for a bucket list) and watching all the Harry Potter movies, all the Star War movies, and all the Lord of the Ring movies chronologically (yes, I'm a nerd) has always been up there.

So I went on Amazon and ordered the 8-disc Harry Potter set, for quite a reasonable price I might add, and we started the festivities last night. The goal was to watch HP1 and HP2 last night, but I had forgotten how long the Sorcerer's Stone really was and we never made it to the second movie. Wish me luck for tackling HP2, HP3, and possibly HP4 today. I hope to finish all 8 by Monday evening, but if it takes a little longer, I'm ok with that too. It's not about how fast you can watch them, but about being immersed in the world of Harry Potter from the beginning to the end.

Have a great weekend!

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