Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Zen Effect

Doesn't the title of this post sound like an awesome book title? (Just googled it. There is a book called Zen Effects: The Life of Alan Watts. But there is no book called The Zen Effect. Hmm.... I wonder if anyone has tried writing a book merely around a cool sounding title (even though the title probably wouldn't be used if it ever got published anyway because the publisher chooses the title)). Yes, I know I just did a parentheses within a parentheses. And yes, I know it must be a grammatical tragedy.


I'd like to welcome all the new followers that dropped by from Theresa Milstein's Halloween Haunting.

Transition with a twist. (Kind of like a sprite, but not as sweet. Ok. Maybe these early morning posts are not a good idea.)

I had only one day off this past weekend. And other than a fabulous lunch with my cousin and family, I spent most of the day cleaning, doing laundry, running errands, and being woefully sad about not having time to write. One of the errands on my to do list was to drop off the audio books The Supernaturalist and Shadowland (both quite good, but are polar opposites) at the Hoover Public Library.

When I stepped into that library on Sunday my sour-funk-of-a-mood just melted away. The towering shelves of books, cushy chairs, and rows upon rows of audio books made me happy. The feeling only amplified when I found a copy of Clockwork Angel. That book came out just a few months ago and I've been dying to read Cassandra Clare's new series. See that's what I love about the Hoover Public Library- they actually stay up to date with new books. The unnamed library that is actually close to my house is so behind it's pathetic.

Anyway, back to the land of happy. Then I realized that since I won't have time to read Deathly Hallows again, I wanted to pick up the audio book copy (the narrator Jim Dale is AMAZING) because of the impending movie release. Needless to say, I was royally bummed when they were out of copies. But the nice library clerk lady reserved a copy for me and told me not to worry as they had 13 copies and one would surely be in soon. I walked around the library for a few more minutes, soaking up the feeling. Being in a library or bookstore for me is like being in a toy store for a child. As I walked, I was happy, and giddy, already scheduling my next writing session at the library in my mind, and hoping I could schedule a squeeze in a reading session in one of those squishy chairs. Sigh. Bliss.

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