Friday, September 11, 2009

Green Chutney and Chole

So here is the the long awaited maid of honor speech you've been waiting for....
It is about my dear cousin Priya Chandan and her now husband Beau Hagler. Priya and Beau attend UAB School of Medicine and despite their rigorous study schedule they remain young at heart. When they mailed out their save the date cards Priya printed a quote from Dr. Seuss. And the quote got me thinking....I needed to utilize Dr. Seuss somehow in my maid of honor speech. So I decided to put my own twist on the ever famous Green Eggs & Ham.
Here it is... At the reception I read the part of Priya and the astounding Jared Dovers read the part of Beau.

Green Chutney & Chole
By Dr. Saxena

Priya: I am Priya
Priya Chandan

Beau: That Priya Chandan!
She has a permanent suntan!
I really like that Priya Chandan!

Priya: Do you like Green Chutney & Chole?

Beau: I’m from Mississippi, Priya Chandan.
I don’t know if I like Green Chutney & Chole, but try I can.

Priya: Would you like them at Volker Hall or my apartment?
While studying the renal system or some other abdominal quadrant?

Beau: I would like them here or there
I will eat them as long as you are there
(pretend to eat something and then pat your belly)
I think I like green chutney and chole
I think I like them Priya Chandan

Priya: Would you like them while we play Wii?
Would you like them while we watch a funny movie?

Beau: I like them in your house
Even though you eat like a mouse
While playing WOW here or there
I’ll eat green chutney and chole with you anywhere
I think you’ve got some beautiful hair
I think I like green chutney and chole, eat them I can
But I think I really like Priya Chandan

Priya: I like eating green chutney and chole with you Beau.
We seem to have a similar life tempo
To Atlanta will you go?
To meet Mama & Papa Chandan and eat a mango?

Beau: To Atlanta I will go
To eat green chutney, chole, and a slice of mango
And I will ask Papa Chandan if Priya’s hand in marriage he will bestow
I will eat green chutney and chole here or there
I will eat spicy Indian food with Priya anywhere
I really like Priya Chandan
I want to marry her, hope I can

Priya: You’re going to ask Papa Chandan!
So happy with joy, weep I can!
Are you going to ask him at the house?

Beau: No, I will ask when Mama Chandan is shopping at Kohl’s for a blouse
(Turn to invisible Papa Chandan)
Papa Chandan. She’s a Taurus and I’m a sagitarrius
I hope that one day a Hindu and a Christian Priest will marry us
I really like green chutney and chole Mr. Chandan
Can I marry your daughter? I hope I can.

Priya: Green Chutney & Chole! What did Papa Chandan say?
Can I eat green chutney and chole with you everyday?

Beau: He said, “What spell did you cast on my daughter, Harry Potter?”
Which I guess means yes.
But first I must make a plan to propose before I digress.
Shoo. Shoo. Go away I must eat green chutney and chole with you
another day. (shoo Priya away)(pretend to pick up phone)
Anita? I’m in a bit of a scuff. I want to propose to Priya tomorrow, and with
that artsy fartsy romantic stuff I’m a bit rough
What? Is a day’s notice not enough to put together all that girly stuff?
(nod and scratch your chin)
Ok, we’ve got a plan. But surprising Priya can be tough, yes it can
(hang up phone)

Priya: Oh Beau! Your tummy ache at the mall was fake!
Rose petals! Candles! It so much to take!

Beau: (Get down on one knee or pretend to propose)
Will you marry me Priya Chandan?

Priya: I will marry you Beau. Yes I can.
A Wedding! A Wedding! A Wedding! A Wedding!
Could you, would you, wear a kurta for the entire thing?

Beau: Of course! And then we can exchange wedding rings.

Priya: But first we must study for boards.
And then make weddings plans!
Will you drive to Atlanta in the dark?
Every weekend?
Would you could you drive to Atlanta almost every weekend, in the daylight
or possibly in the dark?

Beau: I will drive with you anywhere.
I’ll eat green chutney and chole in the car from here to there
I’ll eat green chutney and chole with you everywhere!

(Priya pats Beau’s stomach)

Priya: We’ll need to eat healthy and go to the gym,
A cake, shoes, a dress! We must not pick things on a whim!
Let’s throw some dance lessons in.

Beau: I love you Priya Chandan.
I’ll eat green chutney and chole with you forever, I will, I can!

Priya: I love you Beau Hagler
Lets eat and stop this silly banter

Priya and Beau are a unique pair with a bright future. They are caring, sweet, and despite the rigors of medical school, remain young at heart. I’m honored to be a part of their wedding day. I wish them infinite years of happiness and may they eat green chutney and chole forever!

1 comment:

  1. speech. EVER. :) so glad this has been shared with the world!!! love you lots:)
